My Zazzle Best Sellers in August
This page features my recently sold gifts from my Zazzle stores during the month of August 2013. There are lots of iPhone cases, iPad cases, messenger bags, stickers, address labels and invitations with pretty patterns, chevron stripes, polka dots, and unique designs. There are plenty more available, just click on the pictures to be taken to the product description page. This is just one item or set that has sold; You can still purchase the same item. Just click the picture to buy.
What sells best on Zazzle?
Everybody wants to know what sells best on Zazzle. The truth is that it depends on the time of year, what your specific customer is looking for, and what type of art or designs you make. Every store on Zazzle has a little bit different type of design, and sells different things well at different times of the year. My sales may not be similar at all to other designers sales.